Sunday, January 23, 2011

Foundation Articles for Venture Capitalists.

Venture capitalists are high-class investors who give their money to valuable projects. The projects have to be destined to succeed in order to receive the attention, the money of venture capitalists. Once the golden project has been found, the due diligence has been completed, the project will be structured. Therefore some changes are usually made into foundation articles in usually in order to protect the venture capitalist.

(Laen - Kiirlaen - Sms laen )

The most used articles are usually: full ratchel, liqvidation preferance, tag along rights and drag-along rights.

(Väikelaen - Kodulaen - Krediitkaart)

The full ratchel is a term used for securing the venture capitalist's capital. If the full ratchel is enabled the first venture capitalist won't get hurt, when the shares for the second investor should be given at a lower price. With the full ratchel article, the first venture capitalist will be offered additional shares, if the lower-priced sale should occur.

(Liising - Kindlustus)

Liquidation preference is another article worth watching and noting. The purpose of the very article is again to protect the venture capitalist. In case of new shares are offered in three rounds, in case of liquidation of the venture capital or liquidation, the last venture capitalists will receive their money first and the ones who came into the project during the first years, will receive their money the last. Therefore this article is protecting also from making any scams between the venture capitalists themselves.

(Payday Loans - Payday Loan)

The other ones are tag along and drag-along rights. The first is to protect smaller venture capitalists or smaller investors, who with tag along right, will have the right their shares if the strategic investor is doing so. In case of drag-along rights, the smaller investor is obliged to sell his/her shares in case of the bigger sale.

(Lainaa - Laina - Lainat)


(Creditos - Prestamos)

(Credito - Prestamo)

Venture Capital Exits

You have an idea. A business idea. It is something new, innovative and excellent. It will succeed as a new technological product on many International markets or Internationally. What you need is a venture capitalist to get money - the capital!

( Laen  Kiirlaen )

There are various venture capitalist on the market. The most known are business angels (sole entrepreneurs), corporate venture capitalists or venture funds. They will give you the money to get started and want back high internal rate, but without them none of it would happen.

( SMS Laen   Kodulaen  Väikelaen )

You received 1 million euros during 5 years and the business is doing well now. What you need to know is how the venture capitals can or want to get out. These are the ways.

( Kindlustus    Liising)

1) the owner buyback - you buy your shares back with high cost and run your business again at 100% rate.

(Préstamo  Crédito)

2) management buy out - your management board will take the burden to take a loan, be responsible for it and buy the venture capitalist out (loan is much cheaper than having a venture capitalist with 35% in your company for many years)

(Payday Loans     Payday Loan)

3) Bridge financing - your venture capitalist shares will be bought by an investment bank. Their general intention is too earn a little between and still sell the shares with IPO

(Creditos   Préstamos )

4) IPO - the shares of the company will be sold during IPO (initial public offering). Therefore the share capital will be liquid afterward. The negative side is that IPO need superb conditions in the company.

(Lainaa   Laina   Lainat)

5) Trade sale - the shares will be bought by a strategic investor, a larger corporation which wants to gain access to good sources of new technology, but it also provides support, contacts and marketing and production synergy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Financial worries

I believe that people should always take responsibility for their liabilities. They believe they do, but sometimes they are not considering what might happen to them after a year or two, how the real estate market is doing and moreover where it is heading.

Laen   Kiirlaen

Therefore, most people have considered their liabilities on the moment they are accepting the offer while not understanding the next moment while things are getting bad "How did I end up here"?

SMS Laen  Väikelaen

For example, many real estate loans were offered before the 2007 year real estate, financial crisis crunch. My dear friend accepted a real estate loan for EUR 100'000 for 30 m2 flat, considering to be wise not to pay rent and instead pay the bank loan. Three years later, he is paying the loan very nicely and everything is good, but still: the real estate value right now is around EUR 30'000 or at least I would not pay more than that for it :)

Kodulaen  Kindlustus Liising

Therefore in big picture losing EUR 70'000 which is Estonia is 70 average monthly salaries, which is more than 5 years nicely. From my point of view the person is losing 5,8 years working for the loan, 8 hours a day, which is: 12'000 hours. That is a lot for paying a housing loan.


UK: Payday Loans  Payday Loan
FI: Lainaa    Laina    Lainat
ES: Creditos Prestamos  Creditos Prestamos

Thursday, January 20, 2011

When the accounts run low

Have you ever felt in a shop that you do not have money to buy food? Have you ever felt watching your appartment checks that you do not have enough on your debit card? Have you ever felt that the only option to arrive somewhere on time is with taxi but you do not own the extra twenty? There you go, just like most of the people!   (Laen   Kiirlaen)

Therefore there are various loans offered to people. Some are more eager to take them instantly, others might try to sort out the best option, some too affraid to get into anything which starts with a word: loan. (Kodulaen Sms laen)

For short term money outages, payday loans are the best option. A person might think about the cost, the interest rates, the loan APR (annual percentage rate), etc, but while you are receiving a 100 instantly which might benefit the one for example the following: take a taxi and you are still working in that place where you loved to work, someone appreciates you for coming to his/her birthday, you are allowed to make Christmas presents now and repay them a month later when you receive your three times higher salary. Then that is a point to consider. (Väikelaen Laenud)

So, when you loan a 100 quid and have to repay a month later 10 quid more, that could not be such a bad thing. It just depends!

But there is one thing: never take any payday loan when you do not afford it. This means: when you earn 100 quid a month and you are thinking about taking the extra 100 quid with payday loan - don't do it.

When you earn 150 quid a month and want to have the extra 100 quid the same way - don't do it.


When you earn 200 quid a month and want to have the extra 100 - consider it !

Anything on top of that - take it while you are benefitting from it, but pay it back :)

UK: Payday Loans, Payday Loan
FI: Lainaa    Laina    Lainat
ET: Laenaja
ES: Creditos  Prestamos

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is a payday loan?

A payday loan - it is a simple financial instrument while one person borrows money and the other (financial institution) gives it out. A payday loan is different however, while with usual small loan you are offered 2 years to repay your loan, the payday loan usually offered is for 1 to 2 months only. Also you would have instead of interest, just a contract fee, which is usually relatively high.

Laen    SMS Laen  Kiirlaen

Let's take a simple example:

Loan: EUR 100.00
Contract fee: EUR 10.00
Seems like a small amount to pay for borrowing. The catch is that you would have to repay the loan in maybe 10 days as well. So comparing to a simple loan with 25% interest a year, with this contract fee, your yearly interest would be around 300% instead.

Instant Payday Loan

There are usually other catches about these payday loans. Those usually will not happen, when you pay your loan back at the right time. However, if you do not have the money at that moment, you should extend your contract (which probably costs another EUR 10.00). Or if you forget about your loan, you will be sent an SMS which you pay for, about EUR 10.00 as well. Just the reminder (And no worries, you signed the contract, accepted the contract, and it is written in there, I promise).

Kodulaen   Väikelaen    Laenaja

What you could do about those payday loans. Don't take them. Or you should find the cheapest. Compare those at Payday Loans

FI:  Lainaa    Laina   Lainat