Venture capitalists are high-class investors who give their money to valuable projects. The projects have to be destined to succeed in order to receive the attention, the money of venture capitalists. Once the golden project has been found, the due diligence has been completed, the project will be structured. Therefore some changes are usually made into foundation articles in usually in order to protect the venture capitalist.
(Laen - Kiirlaen - Sms laen )
The most used articles are usually: full ratchel, liqvidation preferance, tag along rights and drag-along rights.
(Väikelaen - Kodulaen - Krediitkaart)
The full ratchel is a term used for securing the venture capitalist's capital. If the full ratchel is enabled the first venture capitalist won't get hurt, when the shares for the second investor should be given at a lower price. With the full ratchel article, the first venture capitalist will be offered additional shares, if the lower-priced sale should occur.
(Liising - Kindlustus)
Liquidation preference is another article worth watching and noting. The purpose of the very article is again to protect the venture capitalist. In case of new shares are offered in three rounds, in case of liquidation of the venture capital or liquidation, the last venture capitalists will receive their money first and the ones who came into the project during the first years, will receive their money the last. Therefore this article is protecting also from making any scams between the venture capitalists themselves.
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The other ones are tag along and drag-along rights. The first is to protect smaller venture capitalists or smaller investors, who with tag along right, will have the right their shares if the strategic investor is doing so. In case of drag-along rights, the smaller investor is obliged to sell his/her shares in case of the bigger sale.
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