Thursday, January 20, 2011

When the accounts run low

Have you ever felt in a shop that you do not have money to buy food? Have you ever felt watching your appartment checks that you do not have enough on your debit card? Have you ever felt that the only option to arrive somewhere on time is with taxi but you do not own the extra twenty? There you go, just like most of the people!   (Laen   Kiirlaen)

Therefore there are various loans offered to people. Some are more eager to take them instantly, others might try to sort out the best option, some too affraid to get into anything which starts with a word: loan. (Kodulaen Sms laen)

For short term money outages, payday loans are the best option. A person might think about the cost, the interest rates, the loan APR (annual percentage rate), etc, but while you are receiving a 100 instantly which might benefit the one for example the following: take a taxi and you are still working in that place where you loved to work, someone appreciates you for coming to his/her birthday, you are allowed to make Christmas presents now and repay them a month later when you receive your three times higher salary. Then that is a point to consider. (Väikelaen Laenud)

So, when you loan a 100 quid and have to repay a month later 10 quid more, that could not be such a bad thing. It just depends!

But there is one thing: never take any payday loan when you do not afford it. This means: when you earn 100 quid a month and you are thinking about taking the extra 100 quid with payday loan - don't do it.

When you earn 150 quid a month and want to have the extra 100 quid the same way - don't do it.


When you earn 200 quid a month and want to have the extra 100 - consider it !

Anything on top of that - take it while you are benefitting from it, but pay it back :)

UK: Payday Loans, Payday Loan
FI: Lainaa    Laina    Lainat
ET: Laenaja
ES: Creditos  Prestamos

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