Friday, February 11, 2011

Netherlands Economical

• Global financial crisis (laenud) has influenced the Netherlands GDP as any other country and therefore in year 2009 the GDP was negative at -4%. GDP in 2010 will stay positive around 1% and in 2011 the economical environment is (kiirlaenud) expected to stabilize well.
• The Netherlands tax burden is one of the highest in Europe around 58,2% of the GDP. The tax burden is considered to be one of the threats which may (creditos) hurt the competitiveness.
• Inflation in the Netherlands was -1,2% in 2009, which is low indicator, but obvious considering the financial crises. The inflation in 2010 is considered to be 0,8% and in 2011 around 1,0%.
• The employment rate had risen up to 5,9% (lainaa) of the total population by the end of 2009. The figure has slightly improved in 2010 and compared to other European countries it is considered good. People have jobs and it is possible for them to apply for housing loans.
• The economical crisis has hurt the general money market and banks. The banks are giving out loans less and the conditions for receiving a housing loan have tightened. (payday loan) Therefore selling property could be an issue while less people are able or appropriate for getting the loan.
• In 2009 the private consumption fell over 3% compared to 2008. In the middle of 2010 the private (prestamos) consumption has stabilised.
• In 2009 the private consumers took  loans for 9,7 billion euros. The figure is 1,2 billions of euros less than in 2008, which shows that people are spending less money, spending less money on luxury items and banks have tightened the loan conditions. (sms laen)
• A survey by World Economic Forum has placed the Netherlands for competitiveness on high 10th place. Main threats for hurting the Netherlands competitiveness are population’s aging and high (liising) tax burden.

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