Friday, February 11, 2011

Netherlands Political Social

  • The Netherlands is considered to be a stable country. (Kiirlaen) Even thought this is the case the elections in 2011 may bring along new political plans which can influence economical and political conditions (taxes raise, new taxes maybe established, etc.)
  • As a member of European (Prestamos) Union the Netherlands’ regulations are more or less the same as in Estonia.
  • Real Estate taxes – changes in conditions are (Laenud) possible in future, therefore hurting the project.
  • Wealth tax – (Creditos) changes in conditions or rates are possible in future

·         Target group of (Laina) home loans starts from people aged 25 and above. The Netherlands population age groups will stay the same level as in 2010 for next 10 years
·         The Netherlands population will increase by 1 million during next 40 years and therefore
·         The average salaries for buying (Payday Loans) our wooden houses are considered very good and therefore people have the possibility to acquire such properties.

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