Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cheap Payday Loans SEO

There is nothing harder than trying to provide SEO for financial related products. Why? Because it is a very competitive niche and the affiliate industry is paying large amounts of money for guys able to make leads for loans, credit cards, insurances and others. The finance niche is with as heavy competition as those for "weight loss", "make money online" or the games industry.

Tallinna börs

Why so many are trying to get there? Well, once you will push hard for couple of years and really making it there at the end, it is possible for you to relax and enjoy the cash flow. Adding some simple banners could already do it. This is the only reason why :)

Payday Loans  SEO  Tõlkebüroo  Cheap Loans Bank deposit  Pikavippi Laina sms lån Kiirlaen Kindlustus

The second reason why it is tough area: these are the finance guys. Besides seo specialists and website owners there are the big finance companies who are ready to through in cash to get the first positions in google. And guess what? They most probably have loads of cash even for testing something. Others who do not directly have cash, have depositors reserves and still can buy some 10K links towards a small payday loans site. It is easy for them. Most website builders and owners who are just starting cant really say the same. This is the reason why they are trying to cash some websites as well - to earn extra besides the 9to5 job.

Fast Loans Pikavippi

Friday, February 11, 2011

Netherlands Economical

• Global financial crisis (laenud) has influenced the Netherlands GDP as any other country and therefore in year 2009 the GDP was negative at -4%. GDP in 2010 will stay positive around 1% and in 2011 the economical environment is (kiirlaenud) expected to stabilize well.
• The Netherlands tax burden is one of the highest in Europe around 58,2% of the GDP. The tax burden is considered to be one of the threats which may (creditos) hurt the competitiveness.
• Inflation in the Netherlands was -1,2% in 2009, which is low indicator, but obvious considering the financial crises. The inflation in 2010 is considered to be 0,8% and in 2011 around 1,0%.
• The employment rate had risen up to 5,9% (lainaa) of the total population by the end of 2009. The figure has slightly improved in 2010 and compared to other European countries it is considered good. People have jobs and it is possible for them to apply for housing loans.
• The economical crisis has hurt the general money market and banks. The banks are giving out loans less and the conditions for receiving a housing loan have tightened. (payday loan) Therefore selling property could be an issue while less people are able or appropriate for getting the loan.
• In 2009 the private consumption fell over 3% compared to 2008. In the middle of 2010 the private (prestamos) consumption has stabilised.
• In 2009 the private consumers took  loans for 9,7 billion euros. The figure is 1,2 billions of euros less than in 2008, which shows that people are spending less money, spending less money on luxury items and banks have tightened the loan conditions. (sms laen)
• A survey by World Economic Forum has placed the Netherlands for competitiveness on high 10th place. Main threats for hurting the Netherlands competitiveness are population’s aging and high (liising) tax burden.

Netherlands Political Social

  • The Netherlands is considered to be a stable country. (Kiirlaen) Even thought this is the case the elections in 2011 may bring along new political plans which can influence economical and political conditions (taxes raise, new taxes maybe established, etc.)
  • As a member of European (Prestamos) Union the Netherlands’ regulations are more or less the same as in Estonia.
  • Real Estate taxes – changes in conditions are (Laenud) possible in future, therefore hurting the project.
  • Wealth tax – (Creditos) changes in conditions or rates are possible in future

·         Target group of (Laina) home loans starts from people aged 25 and above. The Netherlands population age groups will stay the same level as in 2010 for next 10 years
·         The Netherlands population will increase by 1 million during next 40 years and therefore
·         The average salaries for buying (Payday Loans) our wooden houses are considered very good and therefore people have the possibility to acquire such properties.

Netherlands Techno Legal Environ

·         The Netherlands is one of (Laen) the greatest competitiveness and innovation favouring countries and therefore new communication channels and using of new technologies can be expected.
·         Direct foreign investments in the Netherlands in 2007 were: 673 billion US dollars (6th largest in the world) which is indication (Kiirlaen) that new workplaces will be made and also new technologies will be invented.
·         The Netherlands Internet usage is one of the highest in Europe and therefore gives our company (Prestamos) good possibility for reaching our customers via Internet.
·         The legal system can be (SMS Laen)considered bureaucratic and therefore issues could arise from many fields regarding our development project.
·         Legal costs in the Netherlands are high.
·         The Netherlands is known for its regulations and therefore the legal groundwork must be excellent before our project.
·         Our company (Laina) would provide eco-friendly wooden houses and therefore the project is environmentally harmless.
·         Our company would provide the right-now building environment a good solution, the area would be cleaned and greenness established.
Environmental subsidies (Payday Loans) are offered by governments, which will give us an opportunity to use some part of the money for our project environment (planting trees; making the project building area extremely nice) (Creditos)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Foundation Articles for Venture Capitalists.

Venture capitalists are high-class investors who give their money to valuable projects. The projects have to be destined to succeed in order to receive the attention, the money of venture capitalists. Once the golden project has been found, the due diligence has been completed, the project will be structured. Therefore some changes are usually made into foundation articles in usually in order to protect the venture capitalist.

(Laen - Kiirlaen - Sms laen )

The most used articles are usually: full ratchel, liqvidation preferance, tag along rights and drag-along rights.

(Väikelaen - Kodulaen - Krediitkaart)

The full ratchel is a term used for securing the venture capitalist's capital. If the full ratchel is enabled the first venture capitalist won't get hurt, when the shares for the second investor should be given at a lower price. With the full ratchel article, the first venture capitalist will be offered additional shares, if the lower-priced sale should occur.

(Liising - Kindlustus)

Liquidation preference is another article worth watching and noting. The purpose of the very article is again to protect the venture capitalist. In case of new shares are offered in three rounds, in case of liquidation of the venture capital or liquidation, the last venture capitalists will receive their money first and the ones who came into the project during the first years, will receive their money the last. Therefore this article is protecting also from making any scams between the venture capitalists themselves.

(Payday Loans - Payday Loan)

The other ones are tag along and drag-along rights. The first is to protect smaller venture capitalists or smaller investors, who with tag along right, will have the right their shares if the strategic investor is doing so. In case of drag-along rights, the smaller investor is obliged to sell his/her shares in case of the bigger sale.

(Lainaa - Laina - Lainat)


(Creditos - Prestamos)

(Credito - Prestamo)

Venture Capital Exits

You have an idea. A business idea. It is something new, innovative and excellent. It will succeed as a new technological product on many International markets or Internationally. What you need is a venture capitalist to get money - the capital!

( Laen  Kiirlaen )

There are various venture capitalist on the market. The most known are business angels (sole entrepreneurs), corporate venture capitalists or venture funds. They will give you the money to get started and want back high internal rate, but without them none of it would happen.

( SMS Laen   Kodulaen  Väikelaen )

You received 1 million euros during 5 years and the business is doing well now. What you need to know is how the venture capitals can or want to get out. These are the ways.

( Kindlustus    Liising)

1) the owner buyback - you buy your shares back with high cost and run your business again at 100% rate.

(Préstamo  Crédito)

2) management buy out - your management board will take the burden to take a loan, be responsible for it and buy the venture capitalist out (loan is much cheaper than having a venture capitalist with 35% in your company for many years)

(Payday Loans     Payday Loan)

3) Bridge financing - your venture capitalist shares will be bought by an investment bank. Their general intention is too earn a little between and still sell the shares with IPO

(Creditos   Préstamos )

4) IPO - the shares of the company will be sold during IPO (initial public offering). Therefore the share capital will be liquid afterward. The negative side is that IPO need superb conditions in the company.

(Lainaa   Laina   Lainat)

5) Trade sale - the shares will be bought by a strategic investor, a larger corporation which wants to gain access to good sources of new technology, but it also provides support, contacts and marketing and production synergy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Financial worries

I believe that people should always take responsibility for their liabilities. They believe they do, but sometimes they are not considering what might happen to them after a year or two, how the real estate market is doing and moreover where it is heading.

Laen   Kiirlaen

Therefore, most people have considered their liabilities on the moment they are accepting the offer while not understanding the next moment while things are getting bad "How did I end up here"?

SMS Laen  Väikelaen

For example, many real estate loans were offered before the 2007 year real estate, financial crisis crunch. My dear friend accepted a real estate loan for EUR 100'000 for 30 m2 flat, considering to be wise not to pay rent and instead pay the bank loan. Three years later, he is paying the loan very nicely and everything is good, but still: the real estate value right now is around EUR 30'000 or at least I would not pay more than that for it :)

Kodulaen  Kindlustus Liising

Therefore in big picture losing EUR 70'000 which is Estonia is 70 average monthly salaries, which is more than 5 years nicely. From my point of view the person is losing 5,8 years working for the loan, 8 hours a day, which is: 12'000 hours. That is a lot for paying a housing loan.


UK: Payday Loans  Payday Loan
FI: Lainaa    Laina    Lainat
ES: Creditos Prestamos  Creditos Prestamos